Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Italian Coffee Cultural Phenomenon

Un buon cafe is what I desiderata the most when I wake up in the morning. When I was in Italy I was woken up by good aroma of a coffee. And now it is printed in my memory. I loved the dark reddish-brown foam called crema or schiuma . The coffee made at home by Moka doesn't come out with that crema. Still there is a way to make it. Espresso coffee is a religion to Italians and they certainly know the difference between a good espresso and a not -so-good one. The flavor of stove top espresso coffee depends greatly on brand. Now in all United States you can easily find Lavazza or Illi brand . Lavazza is less expensive than Illi. Lavazza (250 gr.) costs $5.99 and Illi $13. If you decide for Lavazza the best choice is the black line made for espresso.
In any Italian home there is a moka pot better known as a macchinetta del cafe'. Bialetti made the first one. With moka machine it is easy to make a good Italian coffee.
Instruction/istruzioni per l'uso
1) Fill the boiler with water almost up to the safety release valve
2) Insert the funnel-shape metal filter and fill it up with coffee
3) Screwed the upper part on the base
4) Place the moka over medium heat
5) When the coffee is ready the Moka makes a characteristic gurgling noise
6) When the upper chamber has been filled removed it from the stove.
7) Espresso is ready and you can smell the aroma

Homemade reddish-brown foam
a) Prepare in advance a cup with sugar (8 coffee spoon )
b) Add the first few drop of coffee that come up from the funnel
c) Beat it until the cream become fluffy and soft
d) Put one coffee spoon of cream inside the tazzine da cafe and add the coffee
If we add at the espresso hot milk with foam we make a Cappuccino.

Cappuccino is named after the Roman order of monks, the Capuchin, who wore a hood or Cappuccio. The color of the hood is a yellowish brown.

Different kind of espresso
Macchiato : A single shot of espresso with heated milk added
Affogato: A single shot of hot espresso with few drops of Sambuca
Doppio: A double shot of espresso

Detti Italiani/Italian expressions:
Il cafe' va bevuto caldo The coffee has to drink boiling
When you be helped by a friend usually you say:
Hai il cafe' pagato You have a prepaid coffee
Cafe sospeso Coffee in pending it means it is already paid

It is very common if you run into an Italian friend he will invite you to get a coffee at the bar
Ma dai prendiamoci un cafe insieme

Ricetta del giorno
Crema di zabaione al cafe' (for 2 people)
Zabaglione cream with coffee is a simple Italian dessert made of egg yolks, sugar, and coffee
2 Tuorli d'uovo 2 egg yolk
2 cucchiai di zucchero 2 table spoons of sugar
1 tazzina piena di cafe caldo 1 small cup of hot coffee

Beat the egg yolk and sugar with a wire whisk
Add the coffee without stopping to mix the batch
Set the sauce pan on the top of a double boiler
Beat the sauce for about 10 minutes
The zabaione is ready when the cream has doubled in volume and it is fluffy and soft.
Un buon giorno si vede dal cafe'