In Italian “Mettere le mani in pasta “ is an expression that means to get involve in something, but in reality it means that you put your hands in the dough. Oh, how much my sisters and I loved spends Sunday mornings at my grandma’s house and gets dirty making the dough. We made our famous tagliatelle al ragu di carne with homemade pasta and then spent the rest of the morning preparing it all into a Sunday supper. My goal on Tuesday night at my Italian cooking class is to re-create the same ambience and learn how to make dough without recipe book. We don’t have to be intimated by rolling dough and stirring a ragu’. La chiave, e’ smplice, the key is simplicity: the impeccable ingredients: flour, water and, eggs. Then mettiamo le mani in pasta.
1 lb “O” flour, home made pasta is traditionally made with fine Type “O” pasta flour in Italy. This light white flour is high in protein and can also be used for pizza and bread making.
Pinch of salt, 1 cup of cold water 1 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil 1 egg
1 Libra di farina tipo “0”, un pizzico di sale, 1 tazza di acqua fredda , 1 cucchiaio di olio extra-vergine di oliva , 1 uovo.
Sit the flour and salt onto a wood cutting board. Shape into a mound and make a well in the center. Carefully pour the egg, water and oil into the well. Stir with the fork to incorporate the flour, a little at a time, into the water and oil until you have dough. Knead the dough pressing down on it with your palms until it is very firm. Cut the rolled-out pasta pasta sfoglia into narrow strips.
Mettere la farina e in sale nel centro su una tavoletta di legno. Ammucchiatela per poi aggiungere l’uovo nel centro. Iniziare ad aggiungere l’acuqua fino a creare la pasta per poi massaggiarla con le palme delle mani fino a che diventa una palla manleabile. Stenderla sulla tavoletta di legno con il mattarello per poi tagliare la sfoglia di pasta a striscioline possibilmente uguali
Modi di dire
L’acqua quardata non bolle mai
Don’t look at the simmer water, it will never boil.
Atlas pasta machine by Marcato $75 www.surlatable.com