August is over and with it " Il bel far niente " The beauty of doing nothing goes away with it, at least for Italians. August is the month of vacation. During my bel far niente I got the time to go to see Eat Pray Love. Even though I enjoyed the book more than the movie I was still very happy to se my hometown, Rome. The great fountains, the beautiful people, and the amazing food. Elizabeth Gilbert wants to learn not the language but how the Italians speak, how they enjoy life and food.
" The first meal I ate in Rome was Spaghetti alla Carbonara.. after I tried the veal." She did not mention which veal but I am pretty sure that it was Saltimbocca alla Romana. She ended with Tiramisu for desset. It sounded so delicious and I am very proud that everything she ate while she was in Rome is in our menu. As an Italian I can easily relate to Elizabeth Gilbert in her food/cultural journey, and as a restaurateur I have been dreaming about creating a class where the combination of fabulous elements of Italian cuisine is connected with Italian language. is the website for the Italian cooking classes.
From the menu of Chicca I introduce to you the Spaghetti alla carbonara:
Ingredients Ingredienti
1 pound spaghetti 1 pound di Spaghetti
2 Tbs butter 2 cucchiai di burro
3 Tbs extra-vergin oil 3 cucchiai di olio extra vergine
4 ounces di pancetta 4 once di pancetta
1/3 cup dry white wine 1/3 bicchiere di vino bianco secco
2 eggs 2 uova
4 Tbs pecorino cheese, freshly grated 4 cucchiai di pecorino grattugiato fresco
1 Tbs of flat-leaf parsley 1 cucchiaio prezzemolo tagliato
1/4 cup onion finely diced 1/4 di cipolla tagliata a pezzettini
Salt Sale
Ground black pepper Pepe nero machinato
Direction Procedimento
Bring 4 quart to boil in a large pot. Portare ad ebolizione una pentola piena di
add the salt acqua e aggiungere un pugno di sale grosso.
Put the butter and olive oil in a
skillet over a medium heat Mettere in una padella olio e burro a fuoco
When the butter is melted add the Quando il burro si e' sciolto aggiungere la
and onion and pancetta. la pancietta e la cipolla.
Cook the onion and pancietta is Fate rosolare la pancetta e la cipolla.
Add the wine until it has reduced Aggiungere il vino fino che si reduce della
by half and remove from the heat. meta e poi spegnete il fuoco.
When the water is boiling add the Quando l'acqua e' in ebolizione buttere la
pasta and let them cook for about pasta e fatela cucinare per circa 7 minuti.
7 minutes.
In a mixing bowl beat the eggs with In un recipiente sbattere le uova con il
cheese parsley, a pinch of salt and pecorino, prezzemolo e pepe.
black pepper.
When the pasta is cooked return the Scolare la pasta al dente e versatela sulla
skillet with the pancetta and onion padella dove avete soffritto la pancetta e
to a high heat. Drain the pasta on la cipolla e accendere il fuoco.
it, and add the bowl with the eggs Versate il recipiente con le ouva e il peco-
and cheese mixture. rino nella padella e amalgamate il tutto
Toss well, until the pasta is coated da formare una salsa cremosa e filante.
with the egg and cheese.
Serve immediately. Servite la pasta al momento.
Carbonara prende il nome da Carbone per il colore nero del pepe.
Carbonare get the name from Carbone (coal )The color of Black pepper.
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