In the last Italian cooking class at Chicca we tasted three different kinds of extra-virgin olive oil. One from Tuscany, one from Umbria and one from Sicily. We used the Pinzimonio. The name Pinzimonio is a combination of the word pinze, or tweezer and matrimonio, or mariage, refering to how to pinch the vegetable two fingers and merry it to the seasoned oil. ( molto romantico )
We cut the carrots, celery, fannel and radish in the shape of matchsticks and we dip it in extra-vergin oil seassoned with salt and pepper. Everybody agreed that the best combination was with the Sicilian extra-virgin oil. After some reasech I found out that the extra-virgin oil from Sicily is used the most with salad dressing, fresh vegetables and filled vegetables.
Brave mi complimento con voi senza saperlo avete scelto l'olio giusto per il giusto condimento.
The quality of oil depends on the type of pressing and the quality of extra-virgin olive oil is the finest grade. It is the resolt of the first pressing. In Italy they use the cold pressing above 60 degrees (F) because the heat destroy the antioxidants. A good extra-virgin olive oil has to have acid below 4%. The color goes from bright green to gloden - green.
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